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Having Trouble Speaking Up in Meetings? Try This Strategy.

It can be difficult to teach and train and to collaborate and share in meetings. Here are some tips to help you speak up.

John Rampton

6 Often-Mandatory Employee Benefits Every Leader Needs to Keep on Their Radar

Though they vary by state in terms of scope and application, companies are typically required to provide the following, and the consequences of not following the rules can be dire.

Mike Kappel

Here's Why You Should Buy More Ads When the Economy Tanks

Marketing budgets are the first to get slashed when the market tightens, but that creates less competition for attention.

Adam Bornstein

Your Fight-or-Flight Response Can be a Good Thing at Work — Here's How to Take Advantage of It

There's a constant battle between your brain's need to keep you safe and your ambition to see yourself shine.

6 Tech Products That Make It Easy to Create Content On the Go

From a portable nightstand chargers to a drone that captures the big picture, you'll have everything you need to make timely content on your own time.

Mario Armstrong

3 Red Flags on Your LinkedIn Profile That Scare Clients Away

Learn how to avoid common pitfalls so you can attract and convert clients.

Terry Rice

The Founder of This Snack Brand Totally Messed Its Name Up. Here's How He Fixed It.

Turns out, most of us don't want to be reminded that we're eating a chip made out of a bird.

Jason Feifer

A 'Quiet Promotion' Will Cost You a Lot — Use This Expert's 4-Step Strategy to Avoid It

Ginni Saraswati, CEO and founder of podcast production house Ginni Media, reveals how to make sure you're not leaving any money on the table.

Amanda Breen

If Your Leadership Style Is Ever Judged By Others, Here's 8 Things You Should Do

How to short-circuit defensiveness and resentment and instead accept and apply tough input for the betterment of your company, and yourself.

Joanna Kulbacka

This TikTok-Famous Funeral Director Might Bury 10 People a Day, But He Still Finds Time to Write Beautiful Songs

This mortician and musician has learned a lot about life -- and art -- while working in death.

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